OPTIMIZE: https://selfhelp1.psy.unibe.ch/shyne/homepage_interessierte

This project is about research in online therapy for social anxiety disorder with Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger and Dr. Rodrigo Lopes. The main effects and interactions of our online therapy program Shyne are being tested along with possible change mechanisms and whether these change mechanisms mediate the effect of the treatment components on the outcomes.

In diesem Projekt geht es um die Erforschung der Online-Therapie bei Sozialer Angststörung mit Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger und Dr. Rodrigo Lopes. Getestet werden die Haupteffekte und Interaktionen unseres Online-Therapieprogramms Shyne sowie mögliche Veränderungsmechanismen und ob diese Veränderungsmechanismen die Wirkung der Behandlungskomponenten auf die Outcomes mediieren.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Internet based Psychotherapy
  • Cultural Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology
  • Factor Analyses and Factorial Trials

Proseminar FS24: Psychotherapeutische Gesprächsführung und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Methoden über die Lebensspanne.

Proseminar HS22: Cross-cultural Psychology meets Psychopathology: Kulturelle Unterschiede in klinischer Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Proseminar FS22: Cross-cultural Psychology meets Psychopathology: Kulturelle Unterschiede in klinischer Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Curriculum Vitae


Since 04/2022

Master of Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy (MASPT)
Psychologische Praxisstelle der Universität Bern, Switzerland

Since 02/2021

Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | Faculty of Human Sciences | Supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger
University of Bern, Switzerland


Master of Science in Psychology | Major: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Minor: Social Psychology and Social Neuroscience
University of Bern, Switzerland


Bachelor of Science in Psychology | Major: Psychology, Minor: History
University of Bern, Switzerland

Employment History

Since 02/2021 Doctoral Student and Research Assistant | Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | Head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger
University of Bern, Switzerland

Student Assistant

University of Bern, Switzerland
02/2020-09/2020 Research Intern
Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD) AG, Switzerland
07/2019-02/2020 Research Intern
Psychotherapeutische Praxisstelle Bern, Switzerland
08/2019-12/2019 Tutor
University of Bern, Switzerland
01/2019-06/2019 Clinical Psychology Intern 
Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Switzerland


Sorted by level Swiss German, German, Serbian, English, French, Spanish